Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Website Volunteers

Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution

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The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution is a cultural hub and educational charity promoting advancement in the Arts and Sciences. With the commitment and energy of our wonderful volunteers, The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution has become a centre of cultural activity open to all.

We are currently looking for volunteers who can assist us with the day-to-day content management of our website, uploading events and managing with direction from our digital and communications committee, its day-to-day maintenance. We are an entirely volunteer led organisation and over recent years the institution has taken much of its programme online. We want our brand-new website to be an accurate reflection its new digital direction.

Skills and attributes would include:

 Excellent knowledge of the industry alongside business and marketing acumen
 Proficiency with content management platforms such as WordPress
 Ability to use analytical tools, such as Google Analytics to generate accurate reporting
 Knowledge and understanding of industry keywords and SEO for optimising content.

Persons who might be interested could be young professionals in digital professions and those coming up for retirement from an i.t background. This is an opportunity to support your local community, take the institutional brand further afield and meet new friends. It is also a chance to further develop personal and professional skills.

We require individuals with proven digital skills and a very high level of written English, and ideally people with a passion for the arts and sciences. It is important to be able to work as a part of a large team, and to feel confident communicating ideas and opinions. Typical time commitment would be 4 hours per week but anything you can offer on top of this is welcome.

Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution is a lively place, and we offer regular social events for our volunteers. To find out more about us visit our website onhttps://www.brlsi.org or for further questions volunteer@brlsi.org

IT, Technology & Websites, Community Volunteer Service Banes volunteers

Basic IT skills - internet & email, Good IT Skills, Language Skills, Organising & Planning, Web Design, Communications, Interpersonal

Skills and attributes would include:  Excellent knowledge of the industry alongside business and marketing acumen  Proficiency with content management platforms such as WordPress  Ability to use analytical tools, such as Google Analytics to generate accurate reporting  Knowledge and understanding of industry keywords and SEO for optimising content. Persons who might be interested could be young professionals in digital professions and those coming up for retirement from an i.t background. This is an opportunity to support your local community, take the institutional brand further afield and meet new friends. It is also a chance to further develop personal and professional skills. We require individuals with proven digital skills and a very high level of written English, and ideally people with a passion for the arts and sciences. It is important to be able to work as a part of a large team, and to feel confident communicating ideas and opinions. Typical time commitment would be 4 hours per week but anything you can offer on top of this is welcome.

Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution is a lively place, and we offer regular social events for our volunteers. To find out more about us visit our website onhttps://www.brlsi.org or for further questions volunteer@brlsi.org

Further location details may be provided below.

Gerie Herbert

Most work will be via zoom.



Email volunteer@brlsi.org

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