Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

OUTSIDE Volunteer Opportunities


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OUTSIDE is an exciting new community arts programme created by, and for, the people of the Staffordshire Moorlands. Local residents, working with professional artists, will co-curate ambitious, inspiring and inclusive arts and cultural activities and events celebrating life in the rural landscapes, villages and market towns of the Moorlands.

The project will take a radically different approach - changing whose voices are heard, altering how people experience the arts and reimagining their relationship with the Moorlands. OUTSIDE will engage and empower residents to discover their creative potential, and support them in shaping a high quality, relevant and experimental arts programme.

Volunteering opportunities
We will have lots of volunteer roles available across the year from customer service teams, evaluation teams, stewarding, event production, teams with a particular interest in sustainability or access and many more depending on the event.

We would also love to hear from you, is there an area that you would like to develop or share your skills in? Get in touch and we will work with you to tailor opportunities to suit!

Administration,Art & Design,Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Building & Construction,Business, Management & Research,Community Work,Entertainment,Environmental,Events & Stewarding,Fundraising,Gardening,General & Helping,IT, Technology & Websites,Marketing, PR & Media,Practical Work & DIY

No experience is needed and there is no expectation that you will have worked within the arts. We ask that you are enthusiastic, flexible and inclusive to working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

• A chance to help shape our programme of art and cultural activities on offer for Staffs Moorlands residents • Build your confidence and communication skills • Make new friends • Try something new and gain new skills • Share your existing skills • Support your community • Training and support for all opportunities • A chance to feedback and shape future volunteering • Enhance your CV

Our range of volunteering opportunities means that you can choose a time that will be convenient for you and for how long. We will work with you to discover which OUTSIDE volunteering role best suits your needs.

Further location details may be provided below.


Staffordshire Moorlands

To find out more about the OUTSIDE project, please visit www.outsidearts.org

Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

We will work with volunteers to find out the ways of best supporting their needs so that our volunteering opportunities are inclusive for all,

Volunteer Centre  I'm interested in this role

You will be asked to log in or register your details

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

We welcome volunteers from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Volunteer Centre  Location

A map is unavailable for this opportunity