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Mentor A Young Person In Sutton (MAPS Mentoring)

Volunteer Centre Sutton

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MAPS is an award winning early intervention mentoring programme, run by Volunteer Centre Sutton, working with children and young people aged 8-21 in Sutton who have complex needs. Mentors are needed to provide each young person referred with a safe space and dedicated time to talk.

MAPS (Mentoring, Advocacy and Peer Support) is an award winning early intervention mentoring programme, run by Volunteer Centre Sutton, working with children and young people aged 8-21 in Sutton who have complex needs.

Mentors are needed to provide each young person referred with a safe space and dedicated time to talk.

Some young people in Sutton have complex and multiple needs, facing many difficult issues in their daily lives, including low self esteem, social isolation, challenging family relationships, abuse, loss or bereavement, poverty, self harm .......

Could you be that person that they talk to?

Do you have 1 to 2 hours a weeks where you could meet with a young person to listen or engage them in a positive activity?

Our next training session will take place on Tuesday, 16th April 2024. Please get in touch as soon as possible if you want to be included in our next training round!

Any questions or to apply, contact KatieSheehan@vcsutton.org.uk or 020 8661 5900 and fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=M0dOp5wTT0q84PBToF_m6yDelBkFB3tGgwOB2kCfz9FUOUcyOFFUVjZEQTEwOEwwWDg1MEs2T1hIMyQlQCN0PWcu&route=shorturl

Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Youth Work

Communication Skills, Helpful & Caring, Listening Skills

What are we looking for? No qualifications are needed for this role. We are looking for volunteers who have a positive attitude towards children and young people and a desire to help them achieve their full potential. Someone who is a positive role model, patient, calm, a good listener and who is non-judgemental.

Benefits to You: You will receive comprehensive training that will not only support you in your role as a mentor, but are transferable skills that will support you both in work and your day to day activities. You will gain new skills such as communication, listening and personal awareness as well as gaining a better understanding of the lives of young people and your community. You will benefit from regular supervisions from a dedicated coordinator and you will have the opportunity to participate in additional training sessions to further enhance your knowledge and skills. You will have the opportunity to try lots of exciting and fun activities both individually with your young person and should you wish to participate in group settings. Group activities are a great way to meet other mentors and are real social occasions.

1-2 hours per week for 12 months at a time to mutually suit you both.

Further location details may be provided below.

Market House, 216-220 High Street, Sutton SM1 1NU


Mentoring takes place in the community throughout the London Borough of Sutton


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